Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Von Passau nach Wien day 1.

well in Wien, first night so got Internet on my lap top at the hotel, so day one a week ago.

the first sign of the Donau (Dor-now), still in Germany at this point, driving to Passau,
The Donau at Passau where the Inn and Llz rivers join the Donau. this river flows at a very fast rate, about 12ks per hour, looking towards Austria.
it was hot and we were on our way to Wien first of six days 350 ks to go this is the point of the 3 rivers joining, 1st day 35ks to ride. The Radweg (bike track) is well sign posted.

In Austria its 7 ks from Passau it was quite hot, sun screen was out. Wheat fields sunflower and corn fields, no fences and bike tack through them.

you ride around a bend and there is a 400 year odd house, castle, church there in front of you. its quite mountains at this stage but quite flat on the river edge,

Its Green

one of the typical house on the way in the small villages. the art work on the houses is great.
this painting which so many houses was for a horse blacksmith, 200 years old,

Lunch and Wasps they love your meat. was trying to take pics of our lunch.

the River crossing to the hotel at Schlogen. a bend in the river and a large Caravan park where the Dutch and German's go. great views

From the bedroom window love the sat dishes.

Early Morning day 2 back towards Germany.

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