Thursday, August 20, 2009

day 3 Linz to Perg.

Linz to Perg 65 ks the main square in Linz, a very large city, endless old building.

still in the city square, we were heading for the Abbey of St. Florian 15 ks away.

the ceilings of Saint Florian is great art work,

sorry in linz

i seem to have a lot of ceiling painting pics my neck is getting sore

the paints are vast and big,

it was nice to get out of the Abbey, this is the museum of the Abbey's farm equipment, such a large Abbey they had to feed them all.

looking down the monks hallway there is 3 of these halls, with there cells to the right side.
we left all the Abbey to ride to Mauthaunsen for late lunch, 6 ks back up the river was the German concentration camp, we didn't go there,
the decorated buildings adorn the village of Mauthausen ,

Looking out the abbeys farm museum at our trusty steeds,

you will get the impression that you are looking at a church, but no its a private house, if you look along the river there is small shrines and crosses to drowned victims, some 2 years hold, the bike path follows a lot of horse paths where they pulled the barges up stream no locks in them days, the Donau flows at a rapid rate,

more decorations painting on the walls they are great. so it was of to Perg 20 ks. away.

a small street of Linz. Stellotos are not very usefull in most sreets,

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