Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The polka-dot Jersey Day 4 Donau River.

we stayed night 3 in Perg in the farming Area ( smell the pigs) 12 ks off the Donau and we followed the Aist river to the small village of Perg, lovely 4 room hotel, Shoe shops were having a sale, before we rode out of Perg we had to fit in 2 pairs of new shoes, we left Perg thru the Pigs to Castle Klam. it was a 5 ks in the up hills. also a different way back to the river (short cut) . still had 50 ks to the end of day. on the way to Castle Klam. (Below)
the View from Castle Klam its been in the same family for 500 years, the latest count sold us our guided tour tickets, it was a original siege castle, little holes to shoot muskets thou most of them are in the museum here,
the big court yard inside. still all painted, it had its own chemist shop inside,

the count and his family still live there, its a bed and breakfast type of thing as well.

It has ( believe it or not ) a small private Chapel. the art work was splendid they had been restored 15 years ago, most of the paintings were 400 years plus,

Castle Klam from the outside, the road looked like it went down, it was a hasty trick, down for a 1k then up for 2k

Every nice hill has a big church or castle or a big abbey, bit hard to see but the white bit on the hill (below pic) was huge.

in castle Klam the antlers date back 600 years, all dated and who shot them deer and wild bore.

the dinning room the blue ceramic in the corner is the heater, the put hot coals in the back( servants) nearly every room has these, heaps of chimney's when you are in the court yard.

Nealy to the Top, what goes up must go down, and we did at break neck speed, twas mulga bill. down in to Grein on the Donau again for lunch, that's castle Klam above Annette

Grein a small decorated village just a picture to see the buildings with flower pots all in bloom, most house have them and every house has just 1 colour.

we are crossing the river here at Grein by Ferry, our Radweg Guide (bike book) is very detailed on all the things you might need, the best and safest paths, best churches, beer houses, food and beds if you do not do a package deal. we left our bags at reception every morning and they were at the next hotel that day, Grein from the ferry thats a church on the left.

there is so many things to see we were on the shady side of the river so every bit of sunny, sorta flat ground has a village. this is the village of Sarmingstein

Bed is just around the corner, 1 off the many locks on the Donau looking down stream to the ocean some 2500 ks away, on the left is Persenbeuq (bed) on the right is Ybbs.

bit of a river view, lots of barges.

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