Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Matt's Wedding

Matthew and Keshia's wedding was a normal and cultural affair by all the different family's on Keshia's side. Her mother is from Torres Strait island and her father is from Tokelau (western Samoa).
this is out side the church after the service, much singing, beating of drums and dancing.

The music and dancing this is the T.I side of the family,
The signing of the registry.

A full house Nealy church holds 600,

the bridal party,

Keshia's mum and dad.

and Matts

All the inlaws and outlaws. brothers sisters mums and dads.

a lot more T.I dancing as a greeting for the bridal party arrival it started in the car park.
i took awhile before you sit.

The Uncles and cousins from the Tokelau sing a welcome and best wishes song.

more dancing

the band

The dancing from Tokelau

The Aunties from T.I.

There was tradition food for 300 odd guests , it was a cultural experience to behold for us on matt's side of the family.

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