Thursday, September 3, 2009

ride to Wien. part 1

We left Traismauen with 70 ks to Wien, but I got us lost and added 6 extra ks to the trip. Riding was a bit quite this morning. They have these small shops on the bike paths just for bikers, this is a family holiday, there were small kids in carts being pulled, some in dinky seats and some riding there own bikes, we stopped for a welcome drink it looked a bit like rain. this is the only photo i took on the last day,s riding. The books said it was a boring ride and it was you just follow the Donau till Wien, its flat and getting busy,
But when we got to Wien what to take a photo off once we got there. And then what to put in the blog, we had most of the afternoon, and all next day to look around and the hotel was out of the city, but very close to the underground, so after showers to the city sight seeing. the size of the buildings is huge,
We did a Guided tour of the Royal Opera House, it is vast and lavish, it has 9 days a year without a show,

back stage looking out, 2000 workers full time.

just a small section out the front.

all the great composer's have a statue,

More Coffee and Cake at Vavaldi house. which is a famous hotel and restaurant,

Just what to take a pic off,

Really is a must is a 1 hour carriage tour of the city the guide/driver tells you when where and who did it where and when to who. 90 Eruo for the hour about $140 Aus.

The Riding School.

us looking very smug

The art Gallery's. there are 2 big main gallery's in Wien for the masters, and they are big and they are the same construction design on opposite side of a huge court yard, we went for the paintings. this marble statue is at the first level of the stairs, its big must be 4 mts high

a bit more of the stairs to the art works,

And the paintings are huge, A whole room of Rubins, just great you can take pics so i did, but which to put here not sure still. this painting was big 5 mt X 2.5 mts

This is the other gallery, across the court yard, on the spire is a figure each building is different a man /women we are in the women. see below.
65 horse carriages operate in the city.

the riding school, they were on summer holidays(bugger)

The man building

modern art in the underground.

more coming on Wien,

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