Wednesday, June 24, 2009

at this stage of a trip i had seen castles, roman ruins and more Abby's or Church's it was good to see some thing different. they unloaded this car in 5 mins then drove of and the boat left.
across from the hotel is the Moselle river, this barge did a u-turn just fitted and then unloaded a car on the side of the road, the barge was from Holland, on the far bank is Luxembourg, it was quite late at night when the did this.

enough old things time for the hotel, the yellowy building very nice, on the Moselle river.

Vast complex Kaisertherman (imperial Baths) built early 4th Centry. the small arches on the ground at right lead to underground chambers for fires that heated the water.

Porta Nigra (black gates) erected 2nd century entry in to the city of Trier one of Germanys oldest towns founded 16BC.


  1. Love the look of Porta Nigra; it certainly looks very very old. Are there arches just below the bottom of the photo, where people enter the city?

  2. Great photos , allthe villages look beautiful. Amazed to see the photo of the car being hoisted off the boat and onto the road. Don't they have ports.
