Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oper am Rhein Dusseldorf

A sneaky scene shot from Porgy and Bess put on by the New York Harlem Theatre in the very nice Dusseldorf Oper House.
A very nice Oper House and the sound quality was great.

The Rathause in Dusseldorf, a wine festive was on from the Mosel region, they drink in the streets for 4 months of the year. Then every body goes inside.

The gnome shop. The shop / building was built in 1266.

The Organ Grinder playing his 150 year old organ.

the water front on the Rhine River

The Rhine.

there is a rivalry between Koln and Dusseldorf which is the best river frontage they are quite close 40 ks. Dusseldorf wins,

Oper am Rhein Dusseldorf. (german) Rathause ( rart- hoose)
Opera on Rhein Desseldorf. (english) Civic centre / centre of town the old market square.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Le Toure de France (part 1)

We headed of to France on last Thursday night we drove along the autobarn at 150ks (its Great fun but you must consentrate) in to Luxembourg and stayed the night. Then on to Gerardmer (france) on the Lac (lake) to watch the race. We waited 4.5 hours, 3 hours in the rain, with a road show of floats to pass, they came and put signs up about 1 before the fist riders came past ( little yellow sign). That is mine i thought but the came behind the last rider and cleaned and took everything signs and rubbish in 5 mins and the road was open to go home, it was noisy with floats, people cheering and the riders went past in 2 mins, it was great, a long wait,

just a french bread roll with cream cheese and a nice french red very nice. great lunch the breads and pastries here are very tasty, not sure which to buy,

a small french bread van went past in the floats beeped his horn and stuck a small aussie flag out his window. I was trying to blend in to the country side no body in germany knows about the rugby but they do in france. A few people asked where the flag was from. dah and i have a very strong English acsent.( bugger me)

one of the hundredes of floats that went past, for a hour or so, every sponsor was there in many floats, there was 190 riders and every rider must have 30 other people in the convoy for them it is part of the road show not seen on the TV, just hundreds of cars and bikes, buses, trucks every thing in front of the riders with just support teams cars behind the riders , 5 helicopters and 3 light planes to get the pictures live around the world.

Le Tour de France (part 2)

it was a wet day the riders had 5 hours of riding, 4 in the rain of the mountains of north east France.
2 hours before the riders a road show of cars, trucks, scooters, tractors, and other things pass all promoting there wares, even the police, and they throw things at you as they go past at 40 ks.

we went to Strasbourg's it used to be German then french then German then beck to France, Annette had trouble in the cake shop, the croissants where great with a coffee for breaky,

more old buildings

More Chio

hi all, a few bums from chio on Anette's camera. these were Belgium Clydesdale, there tails are a stubble.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Chio - World Horses in Aachen

Aachen Chio, everything horses. We spent the day in the main Area with seats in the grand stand. And there was plenty to see, just a few snaps of the arena events and passing, of a few breeds of horses.

this was the jump and drive event. timed event the blue jacket on the cart rode a horse around the jumps the ran to the cart for a trip around and thru the gates great fun.

its a frantic look on the passengers faces all these cart events were great and timed.

off on our 10 day bike tour on the 17th july. we are riding from Passau on the German border to Wien following the Donau all the way